Saturday, April 18, 2009

Quran replaced by Newspapers?

yes long time no post...but here we go
So the other day we had taleem with the family..n i forget what we were talking about but i remember that my brother mentioned something so sad but yet true...
He said its funny how when the reporter on the news tells us something about UFOs we would instantly believe it but yet when we read the Quran or the saying of our beloved Prophet (SAW) we doubt it or we question it...
And then i was thinking that is so true. i mean if we get a warning about a Tornado or some disaster that might hit us, we become so cautious and start preparing things for our safety yet when we know that the day of Judgment, the day when all will be dead by a loud horrific sound and then raised back with that same sound, we do not fear and we do not prepare ourselves for it...
So we believe the news but not our Quran??
something we all should think about...

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