Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Roadmap to paradise

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Unknown Author

Take Adam and Eve avenue until you come to the intersection of Habil (Abel) road, and Qabil (Cain) street; merge right on Habil (Abel) and continue for the next twenty miles till you come to Noah's Ferry.

Take the ferry to Safety Land, ignore the majority of other travel agencies’ directions, and arrive at Abraham's Super Highway also known as High way One God Only (1).

Follow Abraham but avoid the exit of Sodom and Gomorrah townships until you get to Moses lane but pass Gold and Greed bridges and take it to Jesus' Mercy road. Here you will encounter a lot of confusion, streets are not well marked, and many peddlers along the road are giving away maps with conflicting directions to travelers. The Romans have renamed Pagans’ path as Jesus' mercy road.

If you are not sure about the authenticity of Jesus' mercy road, review your map. See if Jesus' mercy path is a continuation of Abraham’s Super Highway. If it is a continuation you are fine, but still proceed with caution. If you have diverged, make a U-turn and go back to Abraham’s high way (1) and re-try again.

Continue on True Jesus' road, if you do not see the following signs along the path, you should stop and review your map again. Maps for this path have been tampered with, we recommend the Barnabas edition street map to get to the Unity of God congregation, Immaculate conception corner, and Love thy neighbor community center.

Avoid to show the Roman Traffic police your Barnabas street map, it is banned, they will confiscate it and you will be forced to use the only authorized official map - the Paul street map which was drawn to direct the motorists to Rome. For that reason there is a lot of lost traffic on this road. On the other hand True Jesus road is found on the Barnabas street map, but only few people have access to this map.

Keep on Jesus' Mercy road until you find Muhammad’s sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam Sunnah

Expressway. Stay on this expressway and do not be lured to rest areas along the expressway. Beware of the highway robbers, by insuring your vehicle with Dhikr security systems. All vehicles secured with Dhikr Security Systems will be protected from assaults by robbers (Satan).

Make sure that you have enough fuel. The highest grade fuel for this long and tiring trip is the Taqwa grade fuel. Make sure you demand this brand when you stop for refueling. Lighten the load on your vehicle, carry only the most important items for this trip: two meters of white cloth, good deeds and prayers of your kids is all you need. Excess weight is allowed only if it is more of the above. Other items will only slow you down or cause you to loose sight of where you are heading, and you risk losing the coverage of Dhikr Security systems, thereby becoming an easy target for the Robbers.

You need to check your vehicles safety features periodically by reading your vehicles manual - the Holy Quran. Your steering wheel must be calibrated by the Sunnah Calibration method, batteries must be charged with Iman, the engine needs to be tuned up with Ikhlas and your tires must be properly inflated with Ihsan. Most important of all, you must test the entire vehicle with the tawheed check list.

It does not matter if most parts of your vehicle are performing right, if a single part in your vehicle does not perform according to specifications of Tawheed (its conditions) your vehicle will break down and again the robbers will rob you of what is left. The overall performance of your vehicle depends on the performance of the weakest part in your vehicle, so routinely check these weak points, they may be detrimental to your trip.

There are many milestones on Muhammad’s road, and these milestones will assure you that you are on the right track. Do not worry that there are not any people on this road; just because you are alone on this road do not think that you are driving the wrong way on a one way street. Loving Allah more than anything else, loving the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam and his companions, who supported him when he was oppressed, following all his teachings, responding with patience and acceptance to lack of worldly goods, hunger, loss of family members are but some of the milestones and glad tidings that you are on the right track.

Also this road will be paved with pain, hard work, struggle with yourself and others and Iblis, the Robber, and all things that are not appealing to the soul. Never lay your guard, this trip is not over until it is over. Keep dhikr your guard, good deeds your luggage and do not lose to focus on where you are going, so you may endure the pain of this trip. When you finally arrive to your destination, Al-Jannah, you will forget all the pain.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Quran vs. Cellphone

Cell phone vs. Quran

Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Quran like we treat

our cell phone?

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several time a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we traveled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

This is something to make you go....hmm... where is my Quran?

Oh, and one more thing.

Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Quran being
disconnected .

Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities?

And no dropped calls!

Trust in the Lord and *ASAP (Always Say A Prayer)

P.S this is not my saying. i recieved it from an e-mail. Sharing it, I thought, would be caring:)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Truth-Barrie Wade

Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words can also hurt me.
Stones and sticks break only skin,
while words are ghosts that haunt me.
Slant and curved the word-sword fall
to pierce and stick inside me.
Bats and Bricks may ache through bones,
but words can mortify me
Pain from words has left its scar
on mind and heart that's tender
Cuts and Bruises now have healed;
It's words that I remember.

"The tongue can be kind or monstrous" as a saying in our language goes, and it is true. But as a muslim our tongues should only be moved with words of kindness.
As a shaikh once said, "We use this tongue to praise Allah and read Quran so why use the same tongue that moments ago was praising Allah to harm someone else or to say explicit words?
I myself am guilty with the habit of jokingly saying mean words. But i realized that this too is wrong of me, The Prophet (S.A.W) said himslef, something to the nearest meaning of, A true believer is that whom other people are safe from his hands and tongue.
This is something we should all practice, to save our tongues from sin because it is the tongue which can easily be caught in the trap of shaytan (ie. backbiting)

Pride vs. Humbleness

"A sin which makes one meek and humble is better than a good deed which makes one proud and arrogant" ~Al-Hikam- Ibn Ataullah

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Quran replaced by Newspapers?

yes long time no post...but here we go
So the other day we had taleem with the family..n i forget what we were talking about but i remember that my brother mentioned something so sad but yet true...
He said its funny how when the reporter on the news tells us something about UFOs we would instantly believe it but yet when we read the Quran or the saying of our beloved Prophet (SAW) we doubt it or we question it...
And then i was thinking that is so true. i mean if we get a warning about a Tornado or some disaster that might hit us, we become so cautious and start preparing things for our safety yet when we know that the day of Judgment, the day when all will be dead by a loud horrific sound and then raised back with that same sound, we do not fear and we do not prepare ourselves for it...
So we believe the news but not our Quran??
something we all should think about...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

No god but Allah

I love this nasheed it just goes to show that Allah is there for us and he does repond to our calls...
here is the translation:
No God but Allah
No God but Allah
No God but Allah
We have no God but Allah
No God but Allah
No God but Allah
No God but Allah
We have no God but Allah
No God but Allah
No God but Allah
No God but Allah
We have no God but Allah

Our Lord , the one who knows what is inside the hearts
From dawn till sunset Allah guide those who sin
Our Lord , the one who knows what is inside the hearts
From dawn till sunset Allah guide those who sin

The loving the guide
His blesses fill the whole world
His forgivness and generosity are blessings
So always seek his approval
The loving the guide
His blesses fill the whole world
His forgivness and generosity are blessings
So always seek his approval
So always seek his approval

The alive the watchful accepts the regretting slave
Allah is the beneficent the responsive to prayers and anyone who asks him
The alive the watchful accepts the regretting slave
Allah is the beneficent the responsive to prayers and anyone who asks him

The loving the guide
His blesses fill the whole world
His forgivness and generosity are blessings
So always seek his approval
The loving the guide
His blesses fill the whole world
His forgivness and generosity are blessings
So always seek his approval
So always seek his approval

No God but Allah
No God but Allah
No God but Allah
We have no God but Allah

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Recall people in your life, whom you may have taken for granted like your parents, spouse, children, co-worker, or teacher, who were caring and loving.

List some of Allah’s gifts that are not tangible or were not obvious to you before. Sulayman, a follower of the Prophet’s Companions, once said: “Remembering His blessings makes one love Allah.”

This simple mental exercise not only makes you a grateful person, but also a healthy one. According to a 2001 research by the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love (IRUL), based in Ohio, just 15 minutes a day focusing on the things you are grateful for will significantly increase your body’s natural antibodies, will make you less vulnerable to clinical depression,and will keep your blood pressure and heart rate stable.

I found this in a forward it is by brother Taha Ghayyur. I think it's so interesting how all our complains and ungratefulness actually affects our mental and physical beings. Why can we not be satisfied with what we have? Humans, they are creatures that always want even sahabahs and great awliya wanted but they wanted to please Allah S.W.T while our average human being wants for thenselves... as my Tafseer teacher said we do shirk how?? by Worshipping ourselves.. how do we worship ourselves?? when Allah S.W.T orders to do something but we do not do it because it goes aginst our own comfort or our own will...
May Allah helps us to understand the true meaning of life and deen and may He make us people who want only to please Him. Ameen.
for each letter of the alphabet think of things you are grateful for.
A: ALLAH, apples, Autmn, animals(espicially that yummy chicken:), abayas, alcohol(rubbing alcohol ofcourse..dummy:), antibiotics, amino acids, amylase(they help with digestion)...
B: Brothers, blood, bodies, Brooms, BOOKS, Beaches, belly buttons, buttons, Beauty, Babies, BEDS, butterflies, Brains, Birth, BANANAS, Bread, BOMBS(haha Kiddin Kiddin)
C: Candles, cars, calmness, conversation, colour, CANADA, candy, cheese, cookies, children, Cheecks (so i can kiss em),charity, CORN(u know what im saying? some will)
D: Dads, Daal (eventhough i dont like it), Diapers:), days, Dawn, DNA,digestion, dars, dates
E: Eman, energy, eclpise, ears, education, electricity, entertainment, elders, elevators, EYES,
F: Family, Friends, Farsi, Fasting, Food, feet, fingers
G: goodness, gas, groceries, grapes,gallbladder
H: Happiness, hugs, Hajj, Hidaya, Home,Hands
I:Ilm, insaan,ihsaan, inshallah (the word is so magical),
J: jokes, jumping, jogging, JANNAT
K: Kaaba, Khatera(thats me:), ketchup, Kisses, Kulfi
L: Love, Listening, Legs, Lips, Light,lungs,liver
M: Mothers, Muhammad(S.A.W), Mahdia(thats ME too:), milk,mahram men (how else r u supposed to do umrah and hajj?;), mantu
N: Naan, night, namaaz, naikee,
O: Omar (ra), October,olives
P: pizza, Prayer, Prayer mats, Pickles,
Q: QURAN, qalb(heart),
R: Ramadan, rest, rain,
S: Sisters, Salaam, Sun, Salaat,
T:tape, taraweeh (i love goin to the masjid for that), tea, TREES ( I LOVE TREES), toes,
U: umbrellas, understanding,
V: Victory, vinegar,
W: Winter (cuz the nights are longer so you can wake up for tahajjud;) and its pretty), wet wipes, wheat, WATERMELONS, waking up,
X: X-rays,
Y: yellow, youth,
Z: zippers,